Category Fitness, Weight Loss

If you are trying to lose weight, protein is really helpful. Protein is a key ingredient to maintaining muscle mass, burning calories and helping you feel full! Without protein in a meal, you will have to eat more calories to feel full, whereas protein helps you feel full on less calories all together! Protein is also required for building muscle, and if you eat more protein when trying to lose weight, you can lose less muscle and only fat.

I find that the hardest part of eating enough protein is the prep involved. Protein usually requires more cooking, so it isn’t always as easy as just grabbing a piece of meat when your starving! Having high-protein meals prepped and ready to go is a game-changer! I personally love counting macros and intermittent fasting with this program, and there are a ton of recipes and meal prep ideas in this program. But, if you like to make your own meal prep plan, I have got some great recipes for you!

Today, I’m sharing 20 high protein, skinny meal prep ideas. These are fat-burning meals, meaning they are lower carb, higher protein and super filling. They also taste amazing, so you will be so happy with all of them!

GRAB MY WEIGHT LOSS PROTEIN RECIPE PACK! Sweatly High-Protein Post-Workout Recipe Pack | 15 High-Protein Post Workout Recipes

So, what are you waiting for? Let’s get meal prepping!

Chicken Burrito Bowls Meal Prep

Looking for a healthy version of burritos? I’ve got you covered!

This delicious chicken burrito recipe is the perfect healthy meal prep you need. It will satisfy you when you’re craving fast food and keep you full for the whole day.

You can eat it cold both for lunch and dinner. It’s flavorful, nutritious, moist, and so filling! Love it!

Honey Garlic Shrimp Meal Prep

Shrimp makes for a perfect ingredient when it comes to meal prepping. Enjoy this sweet and umami dish, full of Asian flavors yet not too heavy on your stomach.

It’s a super quick recipe that’s flavorful, yummy, and hits all the right spots. Who wouldn’t want that?

Since shrimp is an incredible source of protein, it comes with 26g of protein, double up your shrimp and you’ll have much more!

Breakfast Burrito

I actually LOVE breakfast for lunch or dinner, so these breakfast burritos are amazing any time of the day! They are full of protein, and you can go super low carb by using any low carb wrap of your choice!


Shrimp Buddha Bowl

These bowls are so easy to put together and store in meal prep containers! You can have a big container of quinoa made, or sub the quinoa for cauliflower rice for an even lower carb option! I’ve done that before, and it tasted amazing!

Bulgogi Beef Bowl

You may not think of beef bowls for skinny meal prepping, but if you get lean ground beef, it is almost the same as chicken or any other leaner meat! Go for as lean as you can find, and grass-fed if possible. The sauce is AMAZING!

Green Goddess Power Bowls

Roasted Veggie and Spanish Rice Meal Prep

These bowls are amazing! The flavors and simplicity! You can make so much at once, and really have a lot ready to go. It is one of my favorite vegetarian options, that still is high protein. You can always use cauliflower rice to keep it lower carb, which is what I do quite often! Feel free to add chicken or shrimp anytime as well, to add more protein.

Greek Chicken Meal Prep Bowl

The chicken is juicy and packed with flavor. That’s because you marinate it in a Greek-inspired marinade.

The Greek yogurt adds moisture and creaminess. While the red wine vinegar and lemon juice balance the creaminess with some acidity.

Big Mac Salad

This is so good! I LOVE the sauce, it really makes it taste like a real big mac or deluxe cheeseburger, all low carb and low calorie!

Honey Sriracha Ground Chicken and Broccoli

Sweet and spicy is one of my favorite flavor combinations! This is a GREAT meal prep recipe that you can divide into containers for the week. Use any rice you like, depending on how low carb you want your meals to be.

Crustless Spinach and Feta Quiche

As I mentioned, I love breakfast any time of the day, and it is so simple to make this quiche, and have it waiting for any meal of the day!

Chicken Taco Casserole

A good casserole is perfect to pack up in containers, or have on hand in the fridge. I love the flavors in this recipe, and that it is high-protein to keep you super full on less calories.

High Protein Lasagna Stuffed Shells

Stuffed lasagna shells are surprisingly high protein and low carb. This recipe is protein dominant, with a small amount of carbohydrates in the pasta shells.

Healthy Ground Turkey Enchiladas

Just pure goodness here! Pack up the enchiladas with some salad in a container, and you are good to go!

Meal Prep Salmon & Asparagus

Salmon is full of so many nutrients, and it is an amazing source of protein. Super filling and delicious, you can have it for lunch or dinner or both!

Spicy Slaw Bowls With Shrimp & Edamame

Shrimp is a very lean, great source of protein and it is full of flavor! Adding edamame into the bowl brings in extra protein and flavor!

Meal Prep Turkey Taco Bowls

This is such an easy recipe, yet it has so much flavor, and it is really filling! A higher volume and protein meal like this keeps you feeling full for a really long time!


This is a wonderful recipe and it changes things up a bit from the typical protein, rice and veggies combination. It is creamy, satisfying, and full of flavor!

Chimichurri Noodle Bowls

These are amazing! And full of nutrients and flavor together. The zoodles keep it low carb and low calorie, while the shrimp is full of protien and flavor!

Custom Macro Count + Nutrition Plan with Recipes

Protein Increases Metabolic Rate:

Protein plays a crucial role in increasing metabolism through several mechanisms. Metabolism refers to the complex set of chemical reactions that occur within the cells of the body to maintain life. Here’s how protein influences metabolism and contributes to an increase in metabolic rate:

  1. Thermic Effect of Food (TEF): Protein has a higher thermic effect compared to fats and carbohydrates. The thermic effect of food (TEF) is the energy expended by the body to digest, absorb, and process nutrients from the food we eat. Protein requires more energy to be metabolized than fats or carbohydrates. About 20-30% of the calories in protein are used during digestion, absorption, and processing, compared to 5-10% for carbohydrates and 0-3% for fats. This means that consuming protein-rich foods can temporarily boost energy expenditure, contributing to an increase in overall metabolism.
  2. Muscle Mass Maintenance and Growth: Protein is essential for the maintenance and growth of lean muscle mass. Muscles are metabolically active tissues, meaning they require energy even at rest. When you have more lean muscle mass, your body burns more calories to maintain and support that muscle. This is often referred to as the basal metabolic rate (BMR), which is the amount of energy expended while at rest. Consuming an adequate amount of protein can help preserve and build muscle mass, thereby increasing BMR and overall metabolism.
  3. Satiety and Reduced Energy Intake: Protein has a high satiety value, meaning it helps you feel full and satisfied. When people feel full, they are less likely to overeat or consume excessive calories. By including protein in your diet, you may naturally reduce your overall calorie intake, which can contribute to weight management and a more efficient metabolism.
  4. Glucose Regulation: Protein also plays a role in stabilizing blood sugar levels. Unlike carbohydrates, protein does not cause rapid spikes and crashes in blood glucose. This can help regulate insulin levels, promoting better energy utilization and metabolism.
  5. Amino Acid Role in Cellular Processes: Amino acids, the building blocks of proteins, are involved in various cellular processes. They play a role in the synthesis of enzymes, hormones, and other molecules that are essential for metabolic activities within cells.

In summary, protein contributes to an increased metabolism through the thermic effect of food, maintenance and growth of lean muscle mass, satiety leading to reduced calorie intake, glucose regulation, and involvement in cellular processes. It’s important to note that while protein is a valuable component of a healthy diet, overall dietary balance and lifestyle factors also influence metabolism.