Category Peloton

I am pretty much obsessed with Peloton, and I’ve been riding the bike for almost 2 years, and running on the treadmill for about a year now! It never gets old, and part of the reason I am so obsessed is because I was able to finally lose the last bit of baby weight from my fourth baby on the Peloton! I am not a personal trainer, but I am a Pre/Post Natal Fitness Specialist and Certified Nutrition Specialist, so I’ve been in the fitness industry for a long time, and I’ve found that the Peloton is seriously the best home workout there is. The strength workouts are amazing, and combine those with cardio you have the perfect workout. You can really transform your body with just your Peloton bike and workouts, especially if you keep your nutrition on point. 

I created my favorite, 30-Day Peloton Workout Plan just for you! These are the best workouts to lose weight, get back in shape, and so much fun! This is an intense program. It has two workouts a day. A strength workout and a cardio workout each day, 5 days in a row. This is what it took for me to jump my body back in shape again. I had to commit the time (usually one in the morning, and one the afternoon/evening), and when I split the workouts I actually noticed I didn’t eat as much! 

A few things I did with this 30-day Peloton Workout Plan: 

​Fasted Cardio: 

I did my cycling workouts first thing in the morning, fasted. I’ve found this to be the fastest way to burn fat and lose weight. If you can continue to fast after your cardio, even better because your body will keep tapping into your stored fuel. I have 4 weeks of my favorite cycling classes lined up, and these were the ones I burned the most calories and had the best time. 

Afternoon Strength: 

I didn’t skip my strength workout, but with 4 kids I didn’t always have time in the morning to do both. It was easier for me to carve out an additional 30 minutes in the afternoon, than a full hour in the morning. I also noticed I felt better doing strength if I had time after cardio to rest, so I was ready to strength train. The strength workouts are amazing on Peloton, and I put together my FAVORITE strength workouts, where I felt the best. 

Saturday and Sunday Fun Classes: 

I saved Saturda and Sundays for fun classes. If I felt like doing a cycling class, I often chose a Cody Rigsby class because he makes me laugh so much! Or, I did a HIIT Cardio class that was light and different, to keep me moving but give myself a break from the hard work during the week. 

I also didn’t just lay around on Saturday and Sundays. I walked, played Pickleball and still found ways to move that were more fun. The key is to not waste all your hard work eating and sitting around all weekend. Just because you worked hard all week, doesn’t mean you get to lay around all weekend. Keep moving, and find other fun ways to keep your body in motion. 


​Why a 30-day Peloton Workout is the best: 

  • Transformative Experience: The 30-day Peloton challenge is a journey to integrate fitness seamlessly into your life, promising physical and mental elevation. 
  • Versatile Workouts: Peloton offers a rich variety of workouts, from high-intensity sessions to calming yoga, ensuring your fitness routine remains dynamic and comprehensive. 
  • Community and Motivation: The Peloton app fosters a supportive community, where every class led by motivational instructors like Jess Sims adds to an enriching experience. 
  • 30 Days builds a routine: 30 days is a great number to help you build your routine and create a habit. If you’ve had your Peloton sitting around for a while, or struggled to get back into a routine, this program will really help you get on track and stay there! 

Start by setting Your 30-Day Goals with Peloton

Setting fitness goals can often feel like a daunting task, especially with a powerhouse like the Peloton. I’ve learned through my own fitness journey that tailoring goals based on your fitness level and desired outcomes is the best way to embark on a 30-day challenge. Whether your focus is on fat loss, improving your energy levels, or mastering those high-intensity workouts, it’s vital to make these goals achievable. We all start somewhere, whether you’re an advanced athlete or taking your very first step into regular exercise. I love how Peloton makes it really easy to see your progress with the output of your workouts. I am constantly trying to outwork myself on the same rides, and that’s partly why Peloton helps you to achieve your goals. 

Here’s how I approach setting goals:

  • Be specific: Saying “I want to get fit” is great, but what does that mean to you? Is it about nailing full-body workouts, increasing the weight you can lift, or perhaps improving your heart rate recovery? Pin it down. 
  • Be realistic: If you’re juggling work, family, and trying to carve out some ‘me’ time, consider how Peloton’s variety of classes can fit into your schedule without overwhelming you. Remember, rest days are just as important!
  • Track progress: Use Peloton’s tracking features to see how you’re improving. Celebrating small wins keeps you motivated. Setting goals with my output and numbers really helped me focus on more than just weight loss. 

By keeping these pointers in mind, I’ve managed to not just set goals but smash them. Let’s do this together!

​Nutrition Tips For Success in 30 Days:

When I was creating my Peloton Workout Plan, I knew I had to schedule in strength. I had an easier time getting in my cycling workouts first thing in the morning, and it only took me a few days to get used to waking up early and getting that part done. Later in the afternoon, I had to create a routine where the kids were on their tech, and I could finish my strength. In addition to creating your routine, you must get your nutrition and your diet plan on point. I have a few diet plans you can follow, and here are some of my tips to help you! 

Week 1: Kickstart Your Nutrition Plan

When starting on your Peloton workout plan, I want you to make sure you kickstart your program with a diet plan in place. Creating a foundation to nourish your body, with a plan is going to help you succeed faster. Focus on how you are going to eat through the week. Are you couting macros? I highly suggest counting macros, and I can help you with that if you need it, or maybe you want to just try and clean up your diet for the 30 days. Your nutrition needs to match the energy you put into your workouts. The focus on determination on both ends will have you really achiving somehting by the end. 

Week 2: Focus on Protein Intake

Protein is going to be really important, especially this week. After the first week, you might start feeling sore and hungry. Protein is the golden ticket to burning calories, feeling full and perserving the muscle as you start losing weight. Protein is a great way to feel super full, without eating as many calories. Make sure you have protein and fiber at every meal, so you can feel your best, without over consuming calories. Remember, now that you are working out more, your body needs more nourishment, which can sometimes come as cravings. If you are feeling cravings, try adding in more protein to satisfy the needs, rather than the cravings. 

Week 3: Focus on Consistency with your Diet

Now that you’ve been doing your workout for 2 weeks, you are half way there. You should have some sort of routine of what healthy foods you like, and what works for you. Getting into a routine of foods you enjoy, and eating relatively the same thing every day is a great way to stay on track. For example, if you like fruit for breakfast, stick with that. If you feel better eating a larger lunch, and smaller dinner, stick to that as well. Find your routine, and don’t let anything get in the way of what is making you feel good. 

Week 4: Fine Tune Your Nutrition

This is the final stretch, and your nutrition may feel old. If you aren’t liking eating healthy, or really ready to be done, relfect on what is not working with your nutrition plan.  If you give up on your healthy choices now, you can ruin all your hard work. Remember, the goal is to create new habits, so if you aren’t liking the habits you have established, think about how you can fine tune your diet to be something that you want to continue for months to follow. 

Peloton Community: Leveraging Support and Motivation

Engaging with the Peloton community transforms the solitary journey of hitting fitness goals into a shared experience brimming with support and motivation. Picture this: you’re not just hitting the cardio machine in the comfort of your own home; you’re part of a vibrant, global family. From the exhilarating rush of live classes where you work out in real-time with people around the world, to the uplifting social features that let you celebrate each other’s achievements—every pedal stroke becomes a shared victory. It’s this camaraderie that makes every brisk walk, high-intensity interval training session, and weight-lifting class feel like you’re part of something bigger. The Peloton instructors often highlight members’ milestones, boosting that sense of connectivity and making every workout program not just about personal growth but about growing together. So, take that first step or high-intensity workout leap, and let’s embrace the transformative power of community on this fitness journey. 

Tracking Progress and Making Adjustments + FREE Peloton Tracker

As we journey through this 30-Day Peloton Workout Plan, tracking our progress becomes a cornerstone of not just meeting, but exceeding our fitness goals. I’ve found that meticulously monitoring each stride, each pedal, and every heartbeat gives us unparalleled insights into our physical advancements and areas needing adjustments. By integrating various Peloton classes into our workout routine – from high-intensity peloton tread classes with Jess Sims that skyrocket our heart rate, to the concentrated strength workouts focusing on major muscle groups for that full-body strength – it’s essential we stay attuned to our body’s responses. 

Utilizing the Peloton app not just as a workout organizer but as a tool for reflective analysis is key. Consider this: if your energy levels are consistently dipping or your desired fat loss isn’t materializing, it’s a signal from our bodies to us. Maybe it’s time to switch up the high-intensity cardio for more full-body workouts or balance out those rest days more effectively. Adaptation is the best way to keep our fitness journey not just going, but thriving. Incorporating a variety of workouts, including those restorative yoga sessions, can assist in maintaining our entire body’s health, ensuring we’re not just fit but wholly well. Always remember, the best results are borne from a plan that evolves with us, addressing our changing fitness level, ensuring our workout schedule aligns perfectly with our ultimate fitness routine. 

As you finish your Peloton workout plan, don’t stop your routine! Keep doing your strength classes, HIIT workouts, and lower body workouts. Those are going to burn a lot of calories, and compliment the cycling classes. This 30-day training plan is such a great way to push yourself on your Peloton, and fall in love with the Peloton community and instructors. Maybe you will find a new instructor you like, and venture into power zone challenges (I haven’t tried those yet!). 

Make sure to check out some more of my Peloton posts, and additional resources to help!