Category Fitness
best peloton workouts to lose weight

I’m a recent Peloton lover. After my fourth baby, and growing business, I found it extremely difficult to fit in running. Between running the kids back and forth between schools and working, it became really dificult to get out for a run. I am a cardio lover, so I needed something that got me breathing and sweating HARD, without having to jump literally across the living room for 20 minutes straight. I still wanted to hit some of my fitness goals, and shed that last bit of baby weight, so I decided to try cycling. I’m not one to spend a lot of money right off the bat, so I took the affordable approach. I found a used cycling bike on Facebook marketplace, and I downloaded the Peloton app for 12.99 a month (if you use my link, you get a 60-day guest pass!). I wanted to make sure I liked cycling, as well as ensure I’d fit in the workouts. Of course you need to follow a nutrtion plan with these workouts, which is what really worked well for me!

Sure enough, after just a few rides I was hooked. I LOVED the intense cardio workout plus the added resistance that helps to build muscle. As a fitness professional, I can tell you the Peloton is an amazing workout to hit your weight loss goals. I found cycling to be my favorite. but I’ve also done some HIIT classes and strength training classes that are wonderful. Just a couple months after spinning on my Sunny bike, I saw the prices were slashed and I purchased my Peloton bike. The rest is history. I ride almost every night after the kids go to sleep, or in the afternoon when they have their show time. It is super convenient for me, and I don’t have to put my littlest in the stroller for miles to get the same workout.

If you use my referral code when getting your Peloton you get $100 to spend on accessories! MV7B3X

If you are looking to lose weight with a Peloton, you definitely need to try it! The Peloton is a great workout in general for weight loss because the rides offer cardio and increased resistance through climb rides. The Peloton instructors will have you dancing, laughing and pushing to your limits, and you can make a great workout plan to lose weight. I’ve done a lot of the hard work for you by picking out the best Peloton workouts for weight loss. These workkouts combine cardio, high-intensity interval training, tabatta, full body strength and weight training. All of this is essential for fat loss, and the best way to get in shape.

You can grab my exact workout and diet program that I used to lose weight after my 4th baby! It has all the Peloton workouts I did, and it is challenging, but you get in great shape!

Can the Peloton really help you lose weight?

Short answer, absolutely. The great way to lose weight is to find a workout you really enjoy, one you can stick to, and one that you can challenge yourself in. The great aspect of the Peloton is that you can get so many different types of workout in once machine.

I personally LOVE this diet plan for weight loss. It is honestly the best program, and you can combine it with your Peleton workouts for a super fast weight loss program. There is also a free, 5-day meal plan that is a great place to start!

you can add a strenght workout after a long, power zone endurance ride to really add some lean muscle and burn some serious calories. The first thing you want to do when getting on your Peloton, to really help you lose weight, is to find the instructors you like! Try some various instructors, and you’ll find that you will love certain ones. These instructors are focusones on their Peloton users and want to motivate you to do your best. That alone can really help you lose those pounds.

I finally put together the EXACT eating plan and workout plan I used to lose weight with Peloton! I used a combination of counting calories and macros, with a strict workout plan of cardio, HIIT and strength! I put it all together for you in a program, so you can do what I did, and do all the BEST Peloton workouts for losing weight! Seriously, these instructors and workouts are amazing! You burn a lot of calories, have a lot of fun and build muscle at the same time!

Combining healthy eating with your Peloton workouts is essential:

Just regular exercise won’t do the trick immediately though. Proper nutrition is the golden ticket to any weight loss program. That is about 80% of your weight loss journey, ESPECIALLY if you are into your 30s. Diet plays a major role in hormone function, and to put it super simply, your body is just more sensitve to processed foods, carbs, fats and everything. This means that you can’t eat a few pieces of pizza and go for a run the next day to burn it all off like you could in your 20s. It means that your body is different. It processes through food different. It naturally slows down. Eating clean is a big step that will help you hit your weight loss goals as you jump on your Peloton. I highly recommend eating clean for a minimum of 10 days just to see the difference! Eating clean doesn’t necessarily mean you will be in a calorie deficit, but most of the time it happens that way. Your energy levels will increase, and the bottom line is that you will lose weight so much faster if you combine your Peloton workouts with a better diet. If just eating clean doesn’t work for you, which at one point it wasn’t enough for me, grab this free, 5-day meal plan for the program that really helped me get over a plateau in my weight loss! It’s free, and you will see results fast!

f you really want to lose weight with Peloton workouts, I HIGHLY recommend the workout program I did to lose the last 10 lbs after my 4th baby! This is the cycling and strength program I did, that worked!!

Also read: How I Lost The Stubborn Weight After 35


The Best Peloton Workouts To Hit Your Weight Loss Goals:

I’m going to give you the best Peloton workouts to lose weight, then I’ll give you a schedule with these workouts, so you don’t have to really think much about it at all! There will be a strength focused day, HIIT day, and longer cardio days. I think you will love it because it won’t be monotonous at all!

Long, Steady State Peloton Workouts:

45 Min Sold Out Show Ride by Jenn Sherman

45 Min Power Zone Hip Hop Ride by Denis Morton

45 Min Club Bangers Ride by Alex Toussaint

45 min HIIT & Hills Ride Olivia Amato

HIIT Peloton Workouts:

20 Min HIIT Cardio by Logan Aldridge

30 Min HIIT Cardio by Logan Aldridge

30 Min HIIT Ride by Alex Troussaint

20 Min Pop HIIT Cardio by Callie Gullickson

30 Min HIIT + Hills Ride by Cody Rigsby

20 Min 2000s HIIT Cardio

Strength Peloton Workouts:

45 Min 2010s Bootcamp by Tune Oyeneyin

60 Min Saturday 60: 2000s Hip Hop by Jess Sims

30 Min Bootcamp Body Weight by Jess Sims

20 Min Glutes & Legs Strength by Callie Gullickson

20 Min Glutes & Legs (lower body) Strength by Rad Lopez

20 Min Strength Roll Call Full Body by Jess Sims

30 Min Boxing Bootcamp Full Body by Rad Lopez

45 Min Full Body Strength by Jess Sims

Tabatta Peloton Workouts:

20 Min Tabata Ride by Ally Love

30 Min Tabata Ride by Olivia Amato

20 Min Tabata Ride by Denis Morton

30 Min Tabata Ride by Alex Toussaint

20 Min Climb Ride Alex Toussaint

There are so many great Peloton workouts, which you can use them all for weight loss, but I think these are the best ones because they are going to help you burn a lot of calories and build muscle. The Peloton strength classes will help you build lean muscle mass, while the cardio and interval classes will burn a lot of calories. I chose some classes with hip hop, pop and hopefully a music genre you like. The best Peloton classes are the ones you love really. Your fitness level will increase as you stay consistent, and the only way to stay consistent is to find the classes you really love to do.

I don’t have the Peloton Tread, so I haven’t tried those classes, but I have done a lot of outdoor running classes. The Peloton Tread is a great option if you don’t like cycling and prefer running. You can switch out the cycling classes I have in this list for similar tread classes to help you with your fat loss.

To help you with your weight loss journey, I have a schedule I put together for you, so you can have your workout routinen planned, and you will know what you are doing each day! Once you get used to the classes I have, you can also check out their live classes, which I find to be super fun because there’s a competitive element to help you push yourself even harder.

5-Day Peloton Workout Plan To Grow Your Glutes in 2024

Your Peloton Exercise Program for Weight Loss:

I’m going to give you a schedule here of workouts you can do, that will set you up for success. This involves a variety of classes that will have you in a great heart rate zone, burnning belly fat and overall achieving better results.

There you have a 1 week schedule of the best Peloton workouts for weight loss. Feel free to change it up. The goal is to get in a few long, steady state cardio workouts, combined with one Tabatta a week, with a few HIIT and strength workouts too. If you want to add in a long run somewhere, instead of a ride, I think that is a great idea.

Don’t forget to grab your free, 5-day meal plan from my favorite nutrition program!

Don’t let your diet fall to the side though! Use your Pelton workouts to motivate you to eat healthy and fuel yourself after! I have a great list of some of the best protein powders, that will help you lose weight too!

The Best Plant-Based Protein Powders For Females And Weight Loss (2022)

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