Category Fitness, Weight Loss

I’ve been using the Peloton App, Tread and Bike for my workouts now for the last 2 years. I have found the most success in losing all the baby weight by combining my Peloton workouts with this nutrition plan. I started with just the Peloton Bike, and I immediately felt changes. I started loving my workouts, and for the first time in many years, I was able to wake up at 5am to get a ride in. Fast forward a few months and I decided to follow a nutrition plan. I was skeptical of this program, but I promise you it works, and it works really well. I was missing running, so I got the Peloton Tread, and now I LOVE working out every morning. The Peloton instructors are just so good at engaging and making the time fly by, while also challenging you to be better and better.

I am going to assume you are looking for a free Peloton Bike workout plan, but I also Tread workouts in there as well if you have the Tread, or both the Bike and the Tread! Just sign up below to get everything you need to start getting fit in 2024!

The Best Nutrition Plan To Combine With Peloton Workouts

I am a huge fan of this program. It is the Faster Way To Fat Loss program, and compared to any of the cheaper plans, meal guides and recipes out there, this program is totally worth it. I wasn’t sure if I really needed to sign up for it, but the thorough details really get you into a routine that you start to love.

Before following this program, I had never focused on carb cycling or dialed in my intermittent fasting. I was just going through the motions trying to eat enough protein and skip breakfast as usual. But, after my fourth baby, there seemed to be a remaining 5lbs that just didn’t really want to fall off. I also had lost those 5lbs and gained them back a few times, which wasn’t completely like me. Usually I get into a routine that works, and my typical clean eating wasn’t doing the trick. I was also transitioning to having older kids, stopping breastfeeding, and really just getting older. I am 37 now, and soon-to-be 38. My hormones and metabolism are a lot different than they were even with my third baby at age 34.

The Faster Way To Fat Loss program is what really transofrmed my fitness. I am now back into my best shape, and I believe it is all because I let myself follow the program, and I trusted it. I typically eat more intuitively, where I track for a while, then go back to eating more freely. I really fell in love with this program because once you practice it for a bit, you get into a routine and you don’t need to track, it just comes naturally!

If you are struggling to lose weight, and have tried a few different diets, I really recommend trying this one. I think you will be so happy once you start seeing results, and you will see them really quickly. The Faster Way To Fat Loss also has a workout plan that is great, but because I’m obsessed with my Peloton workouts, I did those instead!

Sign up, give it a try! If you don’t like it, I believe you can get your money back anyways! Here are some more details for you!

Lose Up to 15 Pounds of Fat and Gain Lean Muscle in Just 6-Weeks!

We understand … because we’ve been in your shoes. You’ve tried every diet out there but can’t slim down or lose stubborn belly fat. Your energy levels and sleep are suffering. You know metabolism and hormones aren’t working like they used to. Maybe you’ve accepted feeling this way. But the truth is — you deserve to feel healthy, strong and energetic at any age. FASTer Way to Fat Loss is the only program with a clinically proven app to help you burn fat, and build muscle in just six weeks.


Only $249 (Save $1,000+ Value!)

Next Round: Jan 1

  • Weekly meal guides
  • Daily 30-minute workouts
  • One-on-one coaching
  • Extensive bonus education
  • Community Support
  • Guaranteed Results
Faster Way to Fat Loss Trainer

Step 1: Sign Up For Our 6 Week Program. Spots are limited! 

Step 2: Receive Immediate Access to the FASTer Way App

Step 3: Get Matched With Your Certified Coach

Step 4: Follow the Program, Transform Your Body  

Step 5: 
Become the Best Version of Yourself

Ready to take control and feel like your best self again?

We know you’ve tried other popular diet or fitness programs in the past that have not brought you significant, or sustainable results. You feel frustrated as you step on the scale each week even though you’ve cut calories and increased your workout intensity. You feel embarrassed trying on new clothes as your body continues to change. And deep down, a voice wonders ‘what’s wrong with me?’ as the weight keeps creeping up no matter what you try … The FASTer Way is different. The FASTer Way is the only Clinically-Proven program that strategically pairs effective workouts with science-backed nutrition strategies and expert coaching. Our holistic approach promotes optimal wellness and a lean physique no matter your stage in life. You’ll get tight and toned in record time with our signature fat loss pillars:

Whole Food Nutrition Icon

Gluten and Dairy Free Weekly Meal Plans

Macronutrient Tracking Icon

Custom Macronutrients

Intermittent Fasting Icon

Intermittent Fasting Timer

Carb Cycling Icon

Science-Backed Food Cycle

30 Minute Workouts Icon

Daily 30 Minute Workouts (no repeats)

Motivated Mindset Icon

Support from a Certified Coach

The Only Clinically Proven Fitness App

What if you could have everything you need to get in wow-factor shape at your fingertips? The comprehensive FASTer Way program is your answer. Your membership fee includes one-on-one coaching, education, and support. You will also receive free access to the FASTer Way to Fat Loss mobile app or desktop portal with tools to help you thrive.