It’s no surprise if you’ve read any of my other blog posts that I love Peloton. I started with the Bike, then moved to the Treadmill, and I love them both. The treadmill is slowly taking over because I’ve always been a runner, and I got into the bike because I wanted something that took…

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I’ve been obsessed with Peloton for years now, and I have to admit that I have upgraded to the Peloton Bike and Treadmill, BUT you definitely don’t have to, and I was able to ride through my favorite Peloton rides using the app and an alternative bike! I started with the Peloton app years ago…

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I’ve always been a big snacker. I love a quick snack here and there throughout the day, and it’s not the best habit because a lot of tasty snacks can really add up calorie-wise. If I stick to quick and healthy snacks, I can keep my weight in check, and still enjoy eating (what feels…

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