Have you ever noticed htat fit women have a certain healthy aesthetic? I’ve found that putting the vision board together of the healthy aesthetic is super motivating when you have health and fitness goals to achieve. By envisioning your goals for grocery shopping, meal prepping, nutrition and workouts, you can visualize yourself achieving those goals. A healthy aesthetic is really an embodiment of a healthy lifestyle, and the aesthetic that results from the daily choices.

I’ve found that by putting together a healthy aesthetic vision board is inspiring. Think of your morning green smoothie, morning walk outside or grind on the Peloton, and all of it is a part of the healthy vibe that you have to embody to become that girl in 2024! Focusing on the aesthetic is a tool to help you build your habits, even if they start out as a superficial, visual goal, your lifestyle will start following the aesthetic.

When these habits start sticking, the healthy, fit girl aesthetic and vibe starts really coming together! 


I wanted to break down how to become that girl into steps, so you can become the healthiest version of yourself! I also have a great, fFree Peloton Workout Plan + Nutrition Guide For Weightloss that is perfect to jump start your that-girl healthy era in 2024!


healthy aesthetic fit mom

You need to visualize who you want to be this year. Visualize what your grocery cart looks like, what meals you’re going to make, and your workouts. I find that a vision board is so motivating! If you look at it every day, you can stay focused on your goals and who you want to become. Make a Pinterest Board (here’s mine) that has all your goals in one space. You can look at this daily to stay focused on what you want to achieve!

Remember, it isn’t about looking a certain way, but it it is about creating habits that make you feel a cerain way, which usually results in a certain aesthetic! 

Overall, the goalis to figure out what a healthy, fit girl aesthetic looks like for you. 


home gym inspo

Making a space at home to workout, or planning when you are going to go to your workout spot is really important. Maybe your plan is to run outside, or workout in your bedroom. You can make a workout corner with baskets to hold your weights and a mat, or maybe you have an extra room you can make into somewhere you want to go. 

The goal is to make a space you like. If you enjoy your workout space, you are more likely to want to spend time there! Your workout space adds to your aesthetic, and you will start feeling fitter just being there!


green lactation protein shake

I have found that protein shakes are amazing for breastfeeding mamas to lose weight, get back in shape and keep up your milk supply. Protein is essential for muscle recovery, protecting muscle and burning fat. Planning when you are going to have your protein shakes each day can really help you make sure that happens. 

When is a good time for you to have your shake? Many mamas love their protein shake in the morning, when things are hectic and they need something fast. I always preferred a late-morning shake or post-workout shake. 

I have a great list of some plant-based protein powders I really like!


clean eating for breastfeeding

Setting some goals on your nutrition is really important. I highly recommend setting goals to eat more nutrient-dense foods at every meal or snack. Rather than eliminating foods, try focusing on better foods. 

Make sure to read this: 20 High-Protein Skinny Meal Prep Recipes


I’ve found that his meal plan and program is the best for losing weight. As I’ve gotten into my late 30s, I used to be able to just clean up my diet and eliminate processed foods. But, as I work on building and maintaining muscle, this program has been a game-changer! They have a wonderful, free 5-day meal plan, so you can get a feel for if it is a good program for you! The intermittent fasting with carb cycling is absolutely the fastest way to lose weight and maintain your muscle mass at the same time! Grab your free meal plan here!


meal prep for breastfeeding

Meal prepping is important to success in getting fit and healthy. My favorite program, the Faster Way To Fat Loss makes it so easy to meal prep, I highly recommend giving it a try! Either way, some sort of nutrition plan makes meal planning simpler and less of a headache.

Following a nutrition plan is really helpful when it comes to meal prepping. If you are focusing on eating nutrient-dense foods, batch cook your favorites for the week. Make extra lean chicken, cook extra turkey burgers and bulk make your smoothie packs to when life gets exhausting a breastfeeding mama, you are prepared. 

I highly recomend you grab the Sweatly New Year Detox Meal Plan – 4 Weeks | 1500 Calories to get you started this year if you don’t want a more expensive program, but you need something to guide you, get you motivated and give you some amazing recipes!

Free Peloton Workout Plan + Nutrition Guide For Weightloss in 2024